FSL-03: Assistance to Higher Primary School Teacher in Hosadu Higher Primary School

Meine Hauptaufgabe ist es, an einer staatlichen Schule, die über nur geringe finanzielle Mittel verfügt, englisch zu unterrichten. Sie befindet sich in einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Kundapur und bietet die 1. bis 8. Klasse an. Es soll vorallem darum gehen, den Kindern die englische Sprache auf spielerische Art und Weise näher zu bringen. Da ich selber die einheimische Sprache Kannada nicht umfangreich innerhalb kürzester Zeit lernen kann, werde ich also auf kreative Kommunikationsweisen zurückgreifen müssen. Manche Schüler sind vielleicht noch nie einem Ausländer begegnet und so kann allein meine Anwesenheit das Interesse an der englischen Sprache steigern. Die Lehrer beherrschen englisch selber auch nur eingeschränkt.

Je nachdem, wo meine Stärken liegen, kann ich auch andere Fächer wie Sport oder Handarbeit unterrichten.

Die Schule beginnt von Montag bis Freitag um 10 Uhr und endet gegen 16 Uhr. Insgesamt gibt es rund 120 Schüler, 7 Lehrer und 6 Klassenräume, wovon einer nochmal in drei Bereiche unterteilt ist.


IJGD kooperiert mit FSL India (Field Services & Inter-Cultural Learning). Die Partnerorganisation wurde im Jahr 2001 gegründet und ist eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Freiwilligendienst-Organisation, die sich folgenden Zielen verschrieben hat: "promoting Global Understanding/Intercultural Learning through Youth Mobility". Das FSL-Headquarter ist in Bangalore, jedoch arbeitet FSL dezentral auf lokaler Ebene in der Provinz Karnataka (lokale Sprache Kannada). FSL ist vernetzt mit einer Vielzahl von sozialen Einrichtungen. 

Die Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind sehr vielfältig u.a. Arbeit mit Kindern in Schule, Waisenhaus oder mit Straßenkindern, Umweltbildung, Ökotourismus, Arbeit mit behinderten Menschen.


Beschreibung meiner Arbeit laut FLS-Inida:


1. Project-host: Greater Higher Primary School Hosadu (G.H.P.S. Hosadu)

    Place:  Hosadu, Kundapur  Region: Karnataka


2. Number of volunteers:  1


   Starting-date: September


3. Description of the local project:

In the area around Kundapur, FSL is supporting several schools through the placement of volunteers who assist the teachers. In most cases, these schools are very poor and do not have enough teachers or enough resources to provide an appropriate education to the children. Furthermore, the English skills of the children are very low and even the teachers do not speak English well. By placing international volunteers in these schools, FSL-India hopes to trigger more interest for the children to learn a foreign language. The children are very curious about foreigners, as it is sometimes the first time that they are meeting anyone from abroad, and they suddenly find more interest in learning a foreign language to be able to communicate with the volunteers.

Hosadu Higher Primary School has children who come from a poor background. It is a government run school with classes consisting of between 5 - 25 children. There are 5 classrooms and one large room split into 3 classes by partition boards. By placing international volunteers there the school expect to improve the children’s English and it also gives the children time to spend with the volunteers.


Total teachers: 7 Total students: 110-120 Total classes: 1st standard to 8th standard (5Years to 14 year old children) school hours monday to friday 10am -4pm.

Hosadu is about 10 Km from Kundapur and can be reached by local bus in around 25 minutes


4. Field of work:  Education


5. Special qualifications required:
This project is available for unqualified applicants. Volunteers need to have a good level of English and be College or University graduates.


Special qualifications recommended
The project is challenging and you need to be very dedicated to your tasks. Language might be a barrier since few people in your project will speak English, therefore creative methods of communication would be helpful and some preparation about the local language- Kannada. Although, you will receive training in the local language on arrival. Feel free to bring some things from home to be able to make a country presentation to the children to tell them about your country and/or Europe.  The volunteer needs to enjoy working with children, have good communication skills, a lot of patience and creative ideas.


6. Description of the tasks of the volunteer
The volunteer’s main task there will be to prepare and give English lessons to the children. The classes will consist of between 5 - 25 children. They can organise some activities, drawing and crafts for example. This is a challenging project that really needs help since the school is very poor and the English skills of the pupils are very low. Most of the people there speak very little English (even the teachers) and the volunteer will have to find simple and creative ways to communicate with them. Their detailed daily schedule will be fixed after an introduction talk. You can also get involved in the computer class as well as physical education.

Generally, the work will be teaching Basic English through games, songs, activities, role play, quizzes and competitions and building upon development and progress of the students. However the headmaster of the school is very open minded on what the volunteer is teaching and own ideas are much likely appreciated. The actual tasks can vary according to the projects current needs and depend on the volunteers own initiative.



Quelle: http://www.ijgd.de/Projekte-Indien-FSL.463.0.html